Hi, I'm Arezu, Angel
Lifelong yogi, fitness enthusiast, intuitive healer,
meditation maven, spiritual mentor and dancing diva.
Teaching Locally & Internationally to inspire you to work OUT as well as IN!
By releasing internal and external blockages,
Letting go in order for life to flow & grow,
Finding physical flexibility to adapt mentally to what comes your way with contentment in every step.
What I Teach
I help people achieve their physical and spiritual goals through personalized Yoga, Meditation, Fitness Life Coaching & More.
Where & When I Teach
Offering One Day Retreats, Private Retreats (in Tulum), and Public Retreats (around the world) - find which is calling you, or contact to create your own customized experience
Why I teach
Hear it from them!
Thanks for visiting InspireZu
where I hope I have inspired YOU!
Any questions & interests you may have, I would love to hear from you!
Email — inspirezuteam@gmail.com | IG — @inspire_zu