This meditation brings a total mental balance to the individual psyche. Research conducted by the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF) has proven that practicing this meditation for 12 minutes a day for a significant amount of time can reverse memory loss, improve energy, improve sleep quality, decrease stress, decrease depression and decreases the aging of cells  in the brain. 

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Practicing this meditation is both a science, in the tested certainty of the results each technique produces (UCLA Research testing and brain scans by ARPF can be found on their website:  and an art, in the way that it molds the consciousness in the refinement of the sensation and insight it produces. Each action performed in this meditation have coded reactions in the psyche. Such as the placement of the tongue on the roof of the mouth while making the Sa Ta Na Ma sounds stimulates a total of 84 acupuncture points on the upper palate. This stimulation causes a beneficial biochemical transformation in the brain. Research has also revealed that combining the Mudra/fingertip position in conjunction with the sounds enhances blood flow to particular areas in the motor-sensory part of the brain. Hence, this meditation must be practiced with precision because it is so effective and exact otherwise it will not have the desired effects. 


Studies Show

  • Kirtan Kriya Improves Cerebral Blood Flow & Dimishes Dimples in Brain

  • The first study took place in 2003 in healthy volunteers using SPECT scans to look at the effects of KK on the brain

  • It is possible to change the brain for the better Improve connections between brain cells

  • Grow new brain cells (neuroplasticity and neurogenesis).


5 Things to Note:

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1. Mantra
2. Mudra
3. Breath
4. Posture
5. Visualization

4 Pillars of AD via ARPF: 

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1. Diet

2. Stress

3. Exercise
(brain and body)

4. Spirituality

