Recite Mantra to Cleanse the Soul, Meditate to Cleanse the Mind, Bathe to Cleanse the body.
— Yogi Bhajan


Man= Mind, Tra = Projection

Meditating with Mantra soothes all senses on a cellular level, the spiritual sound of mantra soothes the restless mind.

Ever felt like you want to try meditation, but each time you have it becomes more overwhelming or stressful than calming and peaceful for your mind? That’s because we have to accept all the thoughts running through our mind and not expect to be at shunia (zero) immediately, in fact that rarely happens. 

Prioritize the BRAIN as much as you do the BODY, work IN as you would work OUT so that you can hear your intuition more than your fears and ego. Through Arezu’s meditation courses - learn to have trust in that inner voice within you, that deeper unspoken impulse aka  your intuition. When you take responsibility over your reality, you can trust yourself. When you trust yourself, you allow your intuition to blossom. When you trust your intuition you begin to live in alignment with its guidance towards your dreams! 

This class will help you go deeper into meditation, finding stillness, and connection to Self! By holding the space, guiding you through a meditation and teaching a mantra/chant that has its own benefit tailored to your intention and will begin to see Mantra and Meditation in a whole new light. If you want your own customized meditation prescription that is also available.

Meditation when paired with chanting has been scientifically proven to reduce anxiety and create emotional well-being, see below for 10 benefits: 


Top 10 Meditation Benefits



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“By combining sound, breath and rhythm, mantra meditation channels the flow of energy through the mind-body circuit, adjusting the chemical composition of our internal states and regulating brain-hemisphere imbalances, contributing to a natural abatement of fear and despair–emotions that underlie both of these common afflictions. By balancing the nervous system, chanting regulates the chronic stress and tension that is the norm for many people in today’s hyper-stimulated lifestyle. And by balancing the endocrine system, chanting normalizes hormone production, which balances our moods and overall sense of well-being.”

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient and life changing practice. It is also referred to as the Yoga of Awareness; its focus is on self-awareness and delivering an experience of your highest consciousness. The technology of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® is a science of the mind and body, to elevate the spirit, which has no boundaries, no discrimination. Therefore it is for everyone, universal and nondenominational.

Throughout a class one focuses on awakening the "Kundalini energy" illustrated as a coiled snake at the base of one's spine, with the goal of uncoiling this “snake” and allowing it to rise up to the crown chakra.

A Kundalini Yoga Class often includes:
1. Asanas (with specific body angles, vigorous postures at times),
2. Pranayama (with challenging breath work- i.e. breath of fire),
3. Mantra (ancient sounds with specific results from the Ghurbani language)
4. Mudra (movement of the fingers, corresponding with planets, motor sensors activated)
5. Eye Focus
6. Body Locks (such as Mulbandh)
7. Meditation

Each Kundalini class has its own Kirya - which is something you do to bring about a specific outcome. Practicing a kriya puts physical and mental changes in motion to simultaneously stimulate the body, mind and spirit.

Kundalini has an important role in the history of yoga. It is the cultivation of the creative, spiritual potential of a human. On the path of yoga, our effort is to awaken this energy so that we can live with more joy, happiness and fulfillment.

Kundalini practices are essential in these times of information overload, polarized ideologies, and disconnection. With knowledge and understanding of these practices, you can remove inner conflict, increase your radiance and find the inner reservoir of calm and peace Kundalini Yoga acts as a mirror. It reflects where we are on our path, acknowledges our strengths, and supports us as we journey to light up and grow in our areas of weakness. Each day, when we sit on our mats, tune in, and connect to our highest self, we are committing to that loving reflection. We are making the choice through our commitments to choose love and experience new ways of being. Sometimes this involves letting go.

Kundalini appeals to students from every walk of life because of its accessibility; a practitioner of Kundalini can fully engage worldly responsibilities while still achieving enlightenment. Kundalini Yoga aligns the body, mind and spirit through yogic postures, conscious breath, deep meditation and chanting, giving the practitioner access to their full potential.

Be prepared to push yourself to your limit, and beyond!


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Chanting delivers us from the excessive preoccupation with our bodies and with material concerns. It delivers us from fear of old age and death. We begin to identify with the timelessness of the soul and consequently begin to shed neurotic habits that no longer serve and that no longer seem relevant. By returning us to what is essential, it clears away subconscious habit patterns.

She fuses the yogic lineages of: Kundalini, Hatha, and Vinyasa, with her passion for strength training. Classes begin and end with guided meditation, allowing students to connect their body and mind to the present moment, simultaneously allowing the Kundalini energy to rise from the base of the spine. The class incorporates Kundalini breathwork (pranayama) with spinal warm ups, Hatha postures (asana), core strengthening to center the body and aid in balance, accompanied with vigorous Vinyasa paced sequences. You will leave this class having challenged your limits, feeling more connected with your breath, invigorated yet beautifully relaxed!

The following 3 classes use the same KCF Class Outline.

2-A: Heart Opener (KCF):

This class includes specific heart opening mantras, and asanas targeting your spine and chest, which are the front and back of your heart center. You will learn many poses that can be practiced on a daily basis to release fears and egoic thoughts, which may have kept you in the past shielded and protected from receiving and experiencing LOVE.

2-B: Brain Enhancing (KCF) 

This class is sequenced to increase blood flow to the brain, which improves its functioning as well as your nervous system. As a result, it boosts the central unit that controls our mind and sharpens our memory power. Modifications will be offered for challenging Kundalini variations, or sequences where the head is below the hips. The class will end with a specific Kundalini meditation that has been clinically researched by leading Medical Schools in the field to aid in reversing memory loss, as well as: reduces stress, improves sleep, decreasing inflammation, less anxiety and depression, creating healthier, younger genes and more benefits. 

*Arezu is a Certified Brain Longevity Specialist as well as the Ambassador for the Alzheimers Research & Prevention Foundation + Maria Shriver’s Womens Alzheimers Movement. She is an avid and dedicated advocate to spreading awareness and preventing the Alzheimers epidemic from spreading…

2-C: Yoga Booty Blast (KCF)

Get your yoga booty and zen on at the same time, with Arezu's yoga inspired ASSanas. This class is not only intended to tone, lift and shape your glutes, but to also strengthen these essential muscles which are so critical in our posture and daily movements. We will perform challenging booty burning poses with a yogic variation, such as TwerkAsana, so get ready to get loose and have some fun with this class!


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The material needs are reduced to nothing but mind chatter, and like smoke pumped into the sky, will be scattered into the expanse. Through the sweetness of devotional surrender, mantra turns the negative into positive.

This class format is ideal for seniors who feel yoga is too challenging or fast-paced, for people recovering from injuries, or simply for people who have had a busy day and just want therapeutic postures to relax without much effort.

It is important to remember that even the advanced yogis need to stick to the basics and stretch their body, mind and spirit... a class format to be enjoyed by all! 

This class will focus on precise movement with awareness & utilization of the breath to provide coordination between mind, body, and spirit. The class will flow through a variety of strengthening and flexibility sequences, moving with intention and pausing at times for pulses and pilates toning. You will leave feeling cleansed, rejuvenated....and the next day perhaps a bit soar.

A flowing sequence of postures connected by breath, create a fluid and continuous movement, such as, Sun Salutations.

This flow can be challenging on the arms and rest of the body, so depending on the level of students, the sequencing can vary to meet your needs - from focusing on core to flexibility stretches. 

It syncs the yoga postures with breath to create a flowing sequence which targets, abs, arms and legs while aiding in muscle elongation and stretch. These yoga sequences aim to reduce stress, increase flexibility and improve range of motion. It also increases strength with lean muscle mass, strong bones and a quicker metabolism.

Recommended for experienced yoga students who can move through fast-paced Sun Salutations repeatedly. Challenges can always be personalized depending on students but surely you will walk away from the class feeling stronger & rejuvenated.

Get your yoga booty and zen on at the same time, with Arezu's yoga inspired TwerkAsanas. This class will tone, lift and shape the glorious gluteus maximus, critical in our posture and daily movements. It will include the same structure of her trademarked Kundalini Vinyasa fusion, with booty burning poses that have a yogic twist. Be prepared to let loose, work hard and have some fun with this class!

Ignite your inner rainbow. Arezu will include different yogic lineages and techniques to support you in identifying areas of congestion or overuse in your chakras, bringing them into balance and alignment .  These techniques include: asana (yoga postures), chanting the bija mantras (sound vibrations), meditation, pranayama (breathing techniques), and visualizations.

Light up your Aura, so that you can radiate more light and attract that frequency around you. Your subtle body, serves like a shield of protection, in this Kundalini class we will build up your Aura so that your presence speaks on your behalf. This Kundalini class is known to support your digestive system and keeping disease away all while developing your aura to have power, protection and projection! We will sweat while awakening!


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While the first stages of mantra meditation deliver our restless minds from their self-inflicted distress, eventually, chanting into the all-engulfing wave of vibrations arouses our experience of ourselves as spiritual beings...It awakens the divine light and love within us. As George Harrison has said of his lifelong Bhakti practice, chanting is “a direct connection with God.” When our spiritual identity is awakened, we experience the unity of all life, which consequently awakens our hearts and opens our capacity for compassion, whereupon we may live out our material lives free of animosity, envy and pride.



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It’s all about the hypothalamus. The control tower of the brain, it regulates communication between the nervous system and the endocrine system, taking in information from the entire body, before transmitting outward again, via chemical messengers….Breath helps to adjust all the rhythms of our body–not only the familiar circadian rhythms, but the lesser known ultradian rhythms, which monitor the smaller-scale energy cycles that occur throughout the day. Because our nervous systems are often overtaxed, these rhythms are thrown out of balance. But through the technology of sound, we begin repairs.



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You don’t have to sing well because it’s not about singing, in the usual sense. We’re not memorizing complex lyrics, layering harmonies, and we’re not certainly not busting out powerhouse solos. It works whether it’s done alone, or in a group, as in a powerful kirtan. It works whether it’s done softly or in full voice, as long it is from the heart and with the belly. Although for enhanced effect, we can add eye-focus and a gentle hand mudra, these are simple to include and can be incorporated gradually.


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All you have to do is show up. As Krishna Das has said, ‘it won’t work if you don’t do it!’ All that is needed is some time and an open heart (we all have both). The benefits of chanting cannot be established through reasoning and intellect. It can only be experienced through devotion, faith and constant repetition of the Mantra.


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Through repetition of the mantra, patterns of sound are inscribed onto the brain. The unconscious becomes the conscious, the automatic becomes the deliberate, the mindless becomes the heartfelt. The repetition frees us from our destination-fixation–from our need to rush to the end. The repetition is the whole point. Through repetition, the mantra washes over us, as the waves in the sea gradually get us wet. It dissolves us into unison, which is the essence of yoga. We “die” in a sense, as our ego fades into the infinite, as it gets unavoidably absorbed by the sound.



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Our thoughts reflect and affect our mood, our attitude and our general tenor. By vibrating a certain combination of sounds, we are able to tune into various levels of intelligence, or consciousness. Thus, chanting mantras is a conscious method of controlling our moods, and in turn, our frequency and resultant all-around radiance, much like changing the channel on the television.



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There is a mantra for every need and desire. Whether the removal of obstacles, heart opening, healing, etc you feel empowered when the tools are in your hands and you take control of it via meditation and mantra.


It also increases strength with lean muscle mass, strong bones and a quicker metabolism. With the use of dumbbells, weight lifting is combined with the vinyasa format for a full body workout, incorporating yoga poses, plyometrics and cardio. This class is for those who want to enjoy a hard workout and push themselves, leaving you feeling almost out of breath...yet fully aware and present.